aku hati kering...
statement ni lah yg budak2 ni bagitau aku semalam..
bila org buat jahat kat aku, 5min jer paling lama aku pikir..then aku ignore trus..
bila org ngah risau2 pikir something yg agak serabut gak lah..aku leyh tenang2 wat cam teda pa2 ja...
bila org nangis, aku nangis..tapi kejap ja..pastu aku leyh gelak kuat2...
kesimpulannya...aku ni hati kering, kawan aku yang cakap..
masalahnya betulkah?? mne korang tau hati aku ni kering?? basah ja aku rasa, banjir ngan red blood yang ada lam sistem badan aku ni..
aku mengarut eh??? ngeeee * wat muka xbersalah *
now, ader something yang menyakitkan hati aku..
so kena ON mode hati kering... n DELETE everything yang xbest tu
coz aku ader lagi 3 paper..
remember, xsalah ikut kata hati.. kita xdilahirkan untuk ikut ckp org ja..at the same time jangan pulak ko layan org yg baik ngan ko tu mcm sampah..
bila ko layan dia mcm tu..kiranya ko tu pun sampah lah jugak..
DELETE babyyyy~~~
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Wake up in the morning feeling like.....
Wake up in the morning feeling like omo what the hell... hahaha, tats better.. not that I wake up in the morning feeling like P.Diddy..xder maknenyer pun..
Past week..I slept around 3 am and wake up for subuh, sleep balik then wake up again pukul 8 am n get ready to go to work.. n now i feel like shit! why? lemme list down the reason:
so..now what?? I finish two chappie tis morning...Darurat + Kemerdekaan... cant you see the title????? pehhhh,I brani kerat jari u'ol tau, bukan I.. yang u'ol kompem bosan+ngantuk giler study mende ni.. its not that I teda tu apa, semangat kebangsaan? yeap, thats one..Semangat kebangsaan but then, sepa mau baca menda ni pagi2 buta ni???? NGANTUK WEHHHHH..
My exam start tonight around 8.30.. wish me not to fall asleep baby..T_T
Past week..I slept around 3 am and wake up for subuh, sleep balik then wake up again pukul 8 am n get ready to go to work.. n now i feel like shit! why? lemme list down the reason:
1. I'm supa dupa sleepy
2. I'm hungry ( err..I just ate mee goreng tadi.. nyaman ohhh, ng org lapa suma ja nyaman )
3. I got exam tonight..yes tonight
4. The paper is SEJARAH paper..University standard
5. I didnt finish my revision..
6. I'm sleepy..thanks to this buku SEJARAH
7. I'm sleepy...
8. Sooooo sleepy..
9. I want nescafe..
10. Yeap..I'm sleepy
so..now what?? I finish two chappie tis morning...Darurat + Kemerdekaan... cant you see the title????? pehhhh,I brani kerat jari u'ol tau, bukan I.. yang u'ol kompem bosan+ngantuk giler study mende ni.. its not that I teda tu apa, semangat kebangsaan? yeap, thats one..Semangat kebangsaan but then, sepa mau baca menda ni pagi2 buta ni???? NGANTUK WEHHHHH..
My exam start tonight around 8.30.. wish me not to fall asleep baby..T_T
Friday, May 13, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
broken jantung
Sunday, May 8, 2011
my mickey n micky^^

credit, my crazy friend that always kidnapped my micky..
n she treat that plushie like a baby..duhhh, so cute but at the same time, crazy ..
she said I didnt cherish him enough..
heyyyy!! it's just a plushie..
and on top of that it is
Mickey Mouse..
not Micky Yoochun...
lainla kalau Micky Yoochun..hehehe.. dunno him?? puff, u missing a lot babe^^

comel kutttttt!!! ( lagi cute dari sitikus diatas hahahaha, sorry creator of mickey mouse..i'm just stating the fact..not fiction^^)
but then miss you baby...T_T

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