Omigoshhh, Did I see my tears making their grand appearence??? waaaa...T_T
I miss TVXQ as Jaejoong, Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin sooo much.. I dunno why I suddenly play their songs tonight. Before I click WAMY, I put Beast-Freeze in repeat mode on my KMPlayer.. Suddenly, this song keluar pulak. I ter'click' kot..
Listening to them..its heaven!! I swear, even now I'm head over heels with Beast..there is no doubt that TVXQ is unbeatable, no 1 all over!!!
The feeling you get when you listen TVXQ's songs and listening to JYJ or TVXQ's HoMin never same. Try to listen to it and you know what the hell that aku mengarut ni. There is empty spot, its never enough, something missing...
Few days before, I stumble into one article.. should I put his/her blog's URL here??? Nahhh, no need lah.. Back to that article, he/she said about how teenagers *points to me* nowadays do not appreciate music enough. Saying about how greats the music that he/she like which is obviously not k-pop lar... How come teenagers now only wanna see cute+hansome+pretty kpop band and not to listen to their music + understand the lyric truly..something like that lar kot..
Hahaha, super funny lah this guy/girl. Seriously, If you didn't understand the lyric, so you kenot dengar the songs la.. if you dengar, then you are retarded for foolishly listening to it w/out understanding it.. Can I say something, did you truly understand wth raps when you first hear his song ?? If you can, please teach me English because you are truly god of music!!!!
Well, being one of Miss Simple *SUJU!!!* , you are the one that didn't understand music my dear. Did you know that there are many great songs outside there? (Suddenly teringat a few Filipino songs that I like..) bet you never listen to any genre except *cough* English. I'm not anti English song..gosh, I love em so much. But hearing other language, other music is COOL man!! It's refreshing and not retarded. Thinking like that my dear..aishhh such a childish guy/girl. I bet he is lonely hahaha *OMG, jahat me..*. To you, the one that wrote that childish article.. please, don't post something like that again.. I love to read what you wrote all these time, but now..I dunno.. am I reading a kid's blogs all these time??? Lalalala
Ok, cukup la cakap pasal tu.. make me feel weird..*=_='*
There is a huge announcement here.. I FINALLY LEARNED INFINITE's MEMBERS NAME!!!
Hahahaha, its hard. err...not that hard, but it's hard. At first the only one that I know only L, because he is not-surprisingly handsome+havethisjapan look. And I kept mixing Sungyeol, the choding and Sungjong, the maknae. I repeated the Sesame Player episode.1 nearly 10 times to get their name right. Now, I properly pronounce myself as INSPIRIT! yay!!! *please ignore this paragraph, its me with crazy+dumb mode ON* Oh, mine can you?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
lala, with all my heart~
find me and I'll be there for you~
Sukahati la orang nak cakap aku ni Cassie yang fanatik, or ape2 jelah but seriously I'm not deaf my dear..kekekkee
enough rambling, *click repeat mode*..
p/s : I need to learn English+Korean again... anyone can teach me? I'm in holiday for tooooo damn shit long...I kept forgetting and I bet I can't talk neither English, nor Korean now...T_T