About 나~


The name is NORZAIMAH TALIB. Preffered to call by Zai Zaimah Zaim or simply JoJo^^LOYAL Park Yoochun lover, Cassiopeia, B2uty, SHAWOL n Hottest...I love Kpop & Jpop..Been listening to both since 17 years old until now... I'm a die-hard fan of TVXQ , JYJ and managed to see them live on 17 OCT 2010 at KL. Accounting student from UUM and annoyingly still studying ..... Favourite colour? Black. I?my Family sooo much!!!

MY WISHLIST~~ Park Yoochun???
Watch JYJ's LIVE
Cartier Ring
Cinema: Watch Harry Potter MARATHON
New Laptop & broadband ^^
money? money? money?

new BB + silver eyeliner~~~
VIPs/ Backstage pass for every concert that I go

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

cuba menjadi waras untuk seketika~~

UUM banjirrrr~~~
Its not funny weyhhhh... Its been raining for 3 days straight my i swore my feet is freezing!!!
Luckily today, da rain finally stopped...Alhamdulillah~ Syukur...
but da condition now is worse~~~!!! browse for the news n pict and you will know what i mean...
The worse part is right now UUM is having da Convocation Days~~ WAAAA..poor all families n senior2 yg datang..i heard today's convo is being posponed...really??? Damn..its sucks weyyyy especially for families yang datang dari jauh like Indonesia or Sabah Sarawak..
I hope when my turn let it be running smoothly..jgn ader postpone2 or whatsoever lahhhh~~~

i try to be sane....not insane...for this couple of days...but..well let just say da plan is totally ruined...all thanks to mood ruiner...aka someone that managed to ruin it lahhhh...

here is my exam schedule...I start early...and finish early...and the gaps...SCARY~~TT__TT

8/11/2010 BKAT3023 2.30PM
ok, tax for the 1st day...just great =_='

10/11/2010 BKAM3033 9.00PM

BKAL3023 9.00PM
Public Sector...TT__TT

GLUL3033 9.00PM
Company Law...=_=

BKAF3073 9.00PM

GLUL3023 9.00PM
Biz LAw....buli jadi lawyer pasni...=_='

told ya ady, the gaps is really really scary weiii...only 1 or 2 day...nearly none pun ader!!! grrr...so scary... God, please help me...myself...please help yourself too..XD

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