Actually what exactly that I want t write eh???? ohhhh, about our KLCC twin tower...
I've been thinking why KLCC is twin...why built it twin?? why not bet the tower be only 1 that standing up reaching the skies....
Menara KL is built with only 1 tower raised up...n KLCC built up with 2 tower...y eh??

there goes my sappy + abnormal mind... KLCC is build up like that because THEY ARE MARRIED!! HAHAHAHA
okay okay...such a mood spoiler la me what I think la wen I see KLCC..
That tower even though it reach up skies and be the tallest tower in the world..they are actually not alone... seeeeee, they are twin.. they are two of them..the right one...and the left one...
The right one accompany the left one and vise versa... they have a bridge that connecting them which always would remind them that they are not alone... both of them would support each other from the cold of rain and the heat of sun...if both want to fail, they fail long time ago but they r still there...two of them^^
it gave me idea that it is the same for us.. Yes, we can get the most highest paid in the world, the most respectable title, the most highest rank.... but what if we fall down if we r all alone???
people always do this nowadays, cheating, lying, backstabbing!! y??? what if we work together??? dont be so selfish laaa~~~
it is possible that we can reach high up to skies just like KLCC if we work together??? IT IS POSSIBLE PEOPLE!!!
it remind me of jump I least we r dying together...XD...hahaha, i'm abnormal today..too sappy, too emotional...forgive me PM for manipulating your ideas of KLCC.. people, do think of my post here when you see our KLCC k???
I wish that I can have someone that can accompany me now just like KLCC... ^^
is next next tower that we gonna built up is triple tower??? who knows??? XD
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