About 나~


The name is NORZAIMAH TALIB. Preffered to call by Zai Zaimah Zaim or simply JoJo^^LOYAL Park Yoochun lover, Cassiopeia, B2uty, SHAWOL n Hottest...I love Kpop & Jpop..Been listening to both since 17 years old until now... I'm a die-hard fan of TVXQ , JYJ and managed to see them live on 17 OCT 2010 at KL. Accounting student from UUM and annoyingly still studying ..... Favourite colour? Black. I?my Family sooo much!!!

MY WISHLIST~~ Park Yoochun???
Watch JYJ's LIVE
Cartier Ring
Cinema: Watch Harry Potter MARATHON
New Laptop & broadband ^^
money? money? money?

new BB + silver eyeliner~~~
VIPs/ Backstage pass for every concert that I go

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Friday, February 27, 2009




Align Center



I love guy that can play instrument...seriously.. I think when they play the instrument, they look godly bloodyly f*cking hansome bastard!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

jinki sshi..call me~~

I got exam tonite!!! grrr...tak ske tol ahhhh... bosan bosan bosan...
sure my blood pressure unstable rite now..my mind oso, melayang layang, dunno what am i thinking right now.. I WANT BETTER INTERNET CONNECTION!! DAMMIT!!!
I oly can online without putus2 dalam pukul 3 pagi or 4... what the hell!!! everyone dah tido dah time tu, how come I nak YM or chatting if there is nobody???? GRRRR!!! TEKANAN!!!
I managed to download SMTown concert yg kat ch7 Thailand tu!!! bagus betul, siaran ckp bahasa Thai, artis SM cakap korea..macam kucing ngan itik bercakap nak bagi katak paham je LOL!!!
Nway, that concert was BOOM!!! gile best, I really hope I can go to that kind of concert one day..with my idol singing on the stage...GAHHHH!!!
Survivor!!! I love it..the song, not the mv.. grr,sape yg wat mv tu??? wat le best2 sikit..ni yg aku mule nak komplen tak tentu pasal ni kan..overall juget2 je, heyyyy...I knoe DBSK is the GOD of dancing but takkan thats all??? Show something diff la in the MV.. dancing2 ni we can see atas pentas.. aigooo.. kan dah mencarut tak tentu pasal ni... mintak maap!!! BUT they look hot in WHITE!!!

nurul...finally our mission bakal menjadi kenyataan, jgn lupa watak masing2 ahaha.. I'm sounded like sneaky bastard rite now ><

pics spam.. Jinki!! r u calling me??? * suddenly my Sony ringing UNDER MY SKY~ * omo><


jinki sshi~~

Saturday, February 21, 2009


..after seeing all the PICS taken by fans...

...after seeing all the FANCAM on YT...

...after reading all the COMMENT about it...


~~Boys Over Flower~~


Eventhough I'm busy with all that st*pid exam and assignment, still tgk jugak K-drama. This is the current K-drama yg I tgk. The reason why I choose this drama is...

1. because of the soundtrack!! Can you believe me???
it is because of SHINee - Stand By Me
xleh watpe aaa...me like SHINee too much..^^
2. because of Kim Hyun Joong..gahhh, I love SS501
3. er...maybe I like meteor garden and hana yori dango?? hmmm....

Now I'm watching til episode 12..and waiting for next episode to be subbed.
So far... I LOVE IT!!! Just some certain part like Junpyo too harsh or bground nyer song too much..I dun like it.. Because of that I would say yang I dah hafal almost all the songs!! ALMOST PARADISE~~~~
JiHoo..I love hyunnie in tis.. ( fan bias ahaha ). Emotionless but seriously his smile is KILLER!!
I wonder if tis drama ended same like meteor or hana yori?? hmm..can't wait TT__TT
The soundtrack of this drama OK lar... got SHINee and SS501.. how I wish SS501 will be 5 again, miss them T_T
Time tgh2 tgk cite ni, I've been thinking what if TVXQ do the parody of this drama like they do on the King Man?? AHAHA, I'm picturing Dangerous Love pulak..LOL..

Since I'm totally in love with SHINee - Stand By Me..here the lyric translation...

SHINee - Stand By Me

Stand by me, look towards me
Even though I don’t know love yet
Stand by me, guard over me
Because I am still clumsy at love

My feelings get better as I look at you
I find myself randomly singing
I even want to buy a single rose
This side of myself is so new

As my heart becomes closer to you
The world becomes more beautiful
If you feel my nervousness
Will you wait just a little bit?

Together making love
Forever making you smile
Filled with your bright smile
Together making love
Forever making you smile
Now hold my hands

Stand by me, look towards me
Even though I don’t know love yet
Stand by me, guard over me
I feel I am still clumsy at love

The more I get to know you, my heart quivers
All I can do is smile
Shall I try to kiss you?
Will it get me a little closer to your heart?

Could these feelings be love
I’m still shy
I haven’t even taken a single step to you
So please wait for my love

Together making love
Forever making you smile
Filled with your bright smile
Together making love
Forever making you smile
I will slowly head towards you step by step

Stand by me, look towards me
Somehow, I want to be closer to you
Stand by me, guard over me
I want to seem a bit cooler to you

I didn’t know at first
How to begin to love
I still don’t know my heart
But I love you

Together making love
Forever making you smile
Filled with your bright smile
Together making love
Forever making you smile
Now hold my hands

Stand by me, look towards me
Even though I don’t know love yet
Stand by me, guard over me
I feel I am still clumsy at love


Monday, February 16, 2009

Leave me alone will ya?

I want something..

Give me some freedom...please...
Give me freedom...
freedom to do what i want..freedom to win, even I win with only me as a player and me as a competitor...please...

Give me freedom...
don't use me as one of your object to let out all your anger with somebody else..i'm tired of it..if you mad at that certain someone, please don't let it out on me...

Give me freedom...
don't only find me if you want to use me...and leave me alone as if i'm not there...hello, i'm still here, i'm exist!!!

Give me freedom...
i'm human being, sometimes i'm wrong...but don't bash me like that..don't scold me like i'm the stupidest things alive in this world..i'm not the most bright person but at least i'm not the darkest person that you assume me as..

You want to know somethings...
Every single of your world is like a knife..
So sharp that it can tore my heart and make me bleeding..
Even i'm smiling..
Even i'm laughing..
Even i'm still talkative and hear what you want to say..
Even i'm not voice out what i felt at that time..
I'm not perfect..nor you..
I don't have any power to change you..I also don't want to change myself..
but please..
I only want this from you..
I begged you..
If you don't like me...be true..
Give me some freedom...leave me alone will ya??
I don't want to hate you..
but you're the one that make me do this..
Leave me alone will ya?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Bile Idop Sendiri Dah Takleh Nak CONTROL!!!

Ni title aku.. dan kali ni aku nk tulis bahasa melayu sbb aku tak reti nak mengamuk dalam english ni.. kang jadik mende lain plak..
arini idop aku mmg CL!!! *bagi yg tau, dendiam je..yang taktau pun dendiam je*
Ngan kolej aku yang CL, ngan ade sorang minah gedik asek ngendeng *betulke ejaan ni?* kat aku je, PEHHHH, bapak tekanan!!!!
Aku leh sakit jiwe pasni, agak2 ade tak mne2 institude sakit jiwe yang nk trime aku??? Aku pandai akaunnnn *kan aku dah ckp dah...gile budak ni*
tgk title ni tingat aku kat berite lam metro 2 ari lps, cite sal Gay yg leh pukau org..die cume sentuh bahu org tu then org tu trus head over heels kat dier..AHAHAHA, gile tol..mcm2 dunie ni..
yang aku pegi tulis sal gay lam metro tu pehal plak???
ok ok..kembali normal...



ni la dinding almari aku!! Lawa tak poster tu??? Tetiap malam diorg teman aku tido..
Saranghae Oppa!!


Ni rantai Mickey Mouse yang aku beli aritu...lawa kan??? Nampak sangat aku obses gile kat Mr.Micky ParkYoochun

kay aaaa...time to sleep...
I'm sooo dead tired..
Listening to : SS501 - I'm Stupid ( BEST GILE!!! gile lagi...)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tiring n Weird day~~

I think today is the most tiring day and also weird day...
My day started around 7.. I only got 1 and half hour of sleep ( thanks to AUDIT quiz that make me all nervous and sleep didn't get into me until 5 am >< )
First classes..I didn't know what the lecturer is all about. I'm so sleepy.. and I plug my ear with earphone ahaha.. repeat SHINee - Stand By Me and TVXQ - Mirotic ( chinese ver ) around 5 to 6 times then the lecturer is over..yay...
I did well at AUDIT quiz, TQ for the text book and Nana for helping me ehehe^^
Just now, Media Club of TM called for interview who interested in joining them and me sign up. I didnt know that they actually want new member who want to work with them...and they didnt want many..around 2 or 3 maybe.. As far as I know when I read the notice, they only mention who interested in it and they didnt mention about recruiting new staff or something...
I didnt want it... Please dont choose me..
I tot I can have some fun, joining club and do activities with my friend but its all wrong. So by the end, I dont want it.
haha, weirdly today I craved for chocolate.. I drank hot choco juz now and Dayah suddenly *tertumpahkan* my hot choc... abisssss lantai manis jadiknyer...adehhh, Dayah Dayah...
Right now I'm downloading FT Island - Wanna be your boyfriend MNet Show.. Can't wait for it to finish~~~

*P.s: anyone want to order the Tshirt??? Its RM35 btw.. If you want please PM me kayhh^^

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Leader-sshi n Hongki

Happy Birthday!!!!
Leader-sshi, happy birthday!!!
HongKi cutie, happy birthday!!!
WOW, I didn't realize both of them share the same birthday until yesterday!!!
nway happy birthday both of you!!

You always take care of other member, please take care of urself too..
get enough eat and sleep..
Stay CUTE!!! Even all ppl say that you're handsome but for me you're still cute guy that have chubby and toothy smile :D
Hongki cutie~
Happy birthday to you, you're a year younger than me^^
Stay healthy, I love your voice..
FT songs is diff from other so kept singing~
Happy Birthday Yunho oppa & Hongki sshi!! Saranghae <3

Oppa Neomu Meotjyeo~~

"Many things happen today~
At first I thought there will be QUIZ for KAF today..but luckily not today..FUH!!!I treat myself with Cappuccino Ice Blended.. hmmm, yummy yummy ^^ My mood today : Total depressed + very very sad
I cried a lot today.. a lot of things happen around and I don't have any power to make it stop so that I can catch up with it. I realize I've made alot of mistake.. A LOT!!! I dunno if I can make up for it... I've been asking myself, am I too late?I realize that its quite sometimes that I really REALLY cried. The last time when I cry is about 1 years ago ( I suppose, can't remember it..) WOW, its been quite long.. No wonder I have so many tears this time AHAHA!! I dunno if my problem is consider one BIG problem.. but for me I guess its the big one. And I'm sure I can't fix it..This thought make me really sad T_T I'm sorry..Really really sorry. I begged for apologize. Please, forgive me for this one T_T When I sat and think about it, I can say that I HATE MYSELF!!!I really really hate myself... All this things happen because I let it happen.. I didn't make any effort or anything to make it stop.. If anything happen, no matter what the consequences, all the blame is on myself. MUAHAHA... Serve you right for it ZAIMAH!!!"

Now, its evening..I think I'm getting better..
Oh ya, I made a yoochunnie gif today.. The outcome, not very good. Maybe because my mood still not okay... but I think the gif look...okay lah ahaha~
OPPA NEOMU MEOTJYEO~~~ * taken from SHINee song hehe*


His smile really make my day^^ I wonder what happen to SM Town cncrt in Bangkok, anyone know about this ??? I heard there is problem again in Bangkok... Haish, whatever..

This month KLIK got this TVXQ's poster in there.. so cute..Buy IT!!!


Also in YEZZ magazine, there is SHINee n 2pm ( I'm not sure about this, 2am? aigooo) poster.. I didn't buy it so I dunno the size..

( DUBUUUU...So CUTE!!! eh? )

Okay, need to sign out now... Have a lot work to do.. TATA~~~

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

what a day~~~~

its been long since I update my blog...hmmm what should I write???
first..I'm hungry..wakaka...
second, the tshirt in process to became REALITY!!!
this weekend, I'm going to that kedai n tempah it..YES YES..
who want to order for the last time???
third, I'm boreddddd..
I played with my photoshop n I make thissss...

credit : me^^

feel free to use it as desktop...they're so CUTE!!!
Tomorrow, got class..
I'm still tired...
I want to sleep more T_T