About 나~


The name is NORZAIMAH TALIB. Preffered to call by Zai Zaimah Zaim or simply JoJo^^LOYAL Park Yoochun lover, Cassiopeia, B2uty, SHAWOL n Hottest...I love Kpop & Jpop..Been listening to both since 17 years old until now... I'm a die-hard fan of TVXQ , JYJ and managed to see them live on 17 OCT 2010 at KL. Accounting student from UUM and annoyingly still studying ..... Favourite colour? Black. I?my Family sooo much!!!

MY WISHLIST~~ Park Yoochun???
Watch JYJ's LIVE
Cartier Ring
Cinema: Watch Harry Potter MARATHON
New Laptop & broadband ^^
money? money? money?

new BB + silver eyeliner~~~
VIPs/ Backstage pass for every concert that I go

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Bile Idop Sendiri Dah Takleh Nak CONTROL!!!

Ni title aku.. dan kali ni aku nk tulis bahasa melayu sbb aku tak reti nak mengamuk dalam english ni.. kang jadik mende lain plak..
arini idop aku mmg CL!!! *bagi yg tau, dendiam je..yang taktau pun dendiam je*
Ngan kolej aku yang CL, ngan ade sorang minah gedik asek ngendeng *betulke ejaan ni?* kat aku je, PEHHHH, bapak tekanan!!!!
Aku leh sakit jiwe pasni, agak2 ade tak mne2 institude sakit jiwe yang nk trime aku??? Aku pandai akaunnnn *kan aku dah ckp dah...gile budak ni*
tgk title ni tingat aku kat berite lam metro 2 ari lps, cite sal Gay yg leh pukau org..die cume sentuh bahu org tu then org tu trus head over heels kat dier..AHAHAHA, gile tol..mcm2 dunie ni..
yang aku pegi tulis sal gay lam metro tu pehal plak???
ok ok..kembali normal...



ni la dinding almari aku!! Lawa tak poster tu??? Tetiap malam diorg teman aku tido..
Saranghae Oppa!!


Ni rantai Mickey Mouse yang aku beli aritu...lawa kan??? Nampak sangat aku obses gile kat Mr.Micky ParkYoochun

kay aaaa...time to sleep...
I'm sooo dead tired..
Listening to : SS501 - I'm Stupid ( BEST GILE!!! gile lagi...)


Anonymous said...

u tak giler yoo chun...
tp micky mouse jer...

Park Hee Min said...

la iye ke?
I tot both of them same..
terkonpius kjap aha~
but still..I;m still obses with that certain micky..^^