About 나~


The name is NORZAIMAH TALIB. Preffered to call by Zai Zaimah Zaim or simply JoJo^^LOYAL Park Yoochun lover, Cassiopeia, B2uty, SHAWOL n Hottest...I love Kpop & Jpop..Been listening to both since 17 years old until now... I'm a die-hard fan of TVXQ , JYJ and managed to see them live on 17 OCT 2010 at KL. Accounting student from UUM and annoyingly still studying ..... Favourite colour? Black. I?my Family sooo much!!!

MY WISHLIST~~ Park Yoochun???
Watch JYJ's LIVE
Cartier Ring
Cinema: Watch Harry Potter MARATHON
New Laptop & broadband ^^
money? money? money?

new BB + silver eyeliner~~~
VIPs/ Backstage pass for every concert that I go

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

너라고 (It’s You)


Translation Super Junior – It’s You

It’s you(It’s you)
It’s you(It’s you)
You’re the only one for me(It’s you)
It’s you(It’s you)

I don’t need anyone else, it’s only you(It’s you)
When you ask again, it’s only you(It’s you)
Even if you already have another love(It’s you)
I can’t forget you, I can’t turn back around(It’s you)
Oh ~
Right when my glare was sharp(It’s You)
Right when I was nailing a nail deep inside my heart(it’s you)
I chose you without any regret, (It’s you)Yes it’s you

Oh whatever anyone anyone says, it doesn’t matter to me
No matter who cursed at me,Ill look only at you
If I am born again,It will still be only you
(Tic Tic)Even as time goes by

Oh when I tell you I love you thousand times
Even my heart is on fire and as my lips dry
If I am born again,it will still be only you
(Tic Tic)Even as time goes by

No word are necessary,Its only you to me(It’s you)
Even if you say it’s too late,It’s only you to me(It’s you)
I know it is a wrong love(It’s you)
I can’t give up,I can never let you go(It’s you)
My cold lips call out more and more(It’s you)
It finds you warmly and calls you out(It’s you)
Though you never respond when called(It’s you)Im waiting for you

Oh I don’t care what anyone says
No matter who cursed me,I’ll only look at you
If I am born again,it will still be only you
(Tic Tic )Even time goes by

Oh when I tell you I love you thousand times
Even my heart is on fire and as my lips dry
If I am born again,it will still be only you
( Tic Tic )Even time goes by

Oh oh only for you Oh oh only for you
To me,It’s you.It’s you to me
Why don’t you know,Why don’t you know
To me,It’s you.It’s you to me.To me-

I don’t care what anyone says(I don’t care)
No matter who cursed at me,I’ll only look at you
If I am born again,it will still be only you( Tic Tic ) Even time goes by

Oh when I tell you I love you thousand of times
Even if my heart is on fire and as my lips dry
If I am boen again,it will still be only you(Still Still)
Even as time goes by
It’s you(It’s you)
It’s you(It’s you)
You’re the only one for me(It’s you)
It’s you(It’s you)

This song def the best song that suju's ever sang!!! N they won 1st place aldy for MuBank!! YAY! Way to go 13teen princes!!! I'm recovering, not that fast but I'm recovering. Damn I can't eat, sleep even watch TV properly because of my bloody sick body.. YUCK!!! TT__TT I hate it so much. THANK YOU MOMMY for taking care of me, I LOVE YOU!!! Also for my lovely oppa, TQ. I'm feeling better a bit now after 1 week suffering. My sickness??? Nahh, let just it be secret. In this whole week, I've felt so much pain..I wish I wont happen again. Its so painful...TT__TT

For my friend yang msg me, sorry sbb tak reply. Later on after I feel better, I will reply kayh. And for that certain someone, are you trying to make me fall sick again? how dare you msg me again after all this time? stupid..idiot..baka..bluwekkkk..semak..gi mampos ahhhh..

I need to find something to eat now, my stomach hurt.. did anyone know when UUM result will come out? SHIT, I'm all nervous here. Listening to Norago maybe would help ^^ Get well soon for me ^^ ( also to Jinki sshi, get well soon...cant wait to see SHINee`s comeback. For the ending, let's hear from BB, My heaven~ 24..7.. Isnt tis song suppose to be cute happy happy last time??? Screw tat, ILOVE da song!

mood : dizzy a bit but its ok^^
music : Super Junior - Its You

Saturday, May 16, 2009

1,2,3 You and ME ~

Assalamualaikum sume!!!~~~

Hot la today, I wish ade hujan ka, panas la...
I usually wear short but my house got a LOT of mosquitoes!!
Haishhhhh, I'm being a good girl, wearing long pant right now.

Tonight is the FINAL of AKADEMI FANTASIA 7~~~
The candidates left for final are...

1. Akim
2. Aril ( He's back, thanks to AFMASUK )
3. Isma ( Da only 1 female in there!! )
4. Hafiz
5. Yazid

whose gonna win??? I dunno but my bet it must be MALE this time. 4 and 1,
WOW, where is male voters???
Kedakut lar korang, tgk almost all pelajar perempuan kene kick.
What shud I care? nway, gudluck for fanclub2 sume,
jgn bergadai tanah emas sudah, vote tu biar berpada2 sket ek..

I got really bad migrain since this morning, thanks to my lewat tido ( I'm reading Harry Potter 7 ) and bangun lewat this morning.
I didn't even wake up even Big Bang singing Lady or even Dong Bang oppa singing Kiss The Baby Sky also Suju singing Sorry Sorry to me.
I bet I memang TIDO MATI semalam. Now I got really bad migrain..haishhhh

I think and I feel my ENGLISH became poor and poorer from day to day lah.
There is no problem when I do conversation but when I want to write, like i do right now, I feel like something wrong. WARGHHHHH, what happen to me?
People improving while me, the otherwise.
Thinking of that make me really stressful and tired.

One more thing that make me stressful and tired is friend.
I am officially declaring that I HATE YOU .. not you, that that certain YOU.
I'm waiting for the day that you're left alone by whomever you're with right now.
I know when that day come, you will find me again.
Lemme ask..Am I just a spare part friend to you?
If yes thanks you very much because your mission of breaking my heart totally successful.
I love you but I hate you TT__TT


mood : TT__TT ( but still spazzing oever Solheim CF, oppaaaaa)
music : Super Junior - It's You

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tagged by Jija

Pick Your Artist:


FT Island^^

Are you male or female:
Bad Woman ( LOL! I'm not woman yet, not bad either )

Describe yourself:
Troublemaker ( yeke??? )

How do you feel about yourself:
Only One Person ( yelah, I'm alone, takde kembar and tentu sekali no one menyerupai me kan? Am I talking nonsence now?? )

Describe where you currently live:
The One

If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
Heaven ( YES!! DEFINITLY!! )

Your favorite form of transportation:
Train ( not really but sometimes can be okay la ^^ )

Your best friend is:
FT ISLAND ( Hongki is my BFF, can aaa???? LOL )

Your favorite color is:
Magic ( Black actually, and Black is magic dun cha think? can match with every color and it can stand up well, not tenggelam with all other color that match wit it )

What's the weather like:

Favorite time of day:
I'm Happy ( YAY!!! def my fav time of day )

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:
Primadonna ( Too much drama and act to put, so tired just to please everyone, thats my life )

What is life to you:
Like A Doll ( being controlled and need to put act which we nvr have choice but to follow..thats life *sigh* )

What is the best advice you have to give:
I Believe Myself ( Believe yourself, and everything will be just fine ^^ )

If you could change your name, what would it be:
A Name Called Love ( Can I??? )

Your favorite food is:
Girls Dont Know ( I dunnoe, I LOVE FOOD!!!)

Thought for the Day:
What Can I Do ( hmm, what can I do for today? Sleep again?? )

How I would like to die:
Prayer ( send me your prayer, I would die in happiness hahaha)

My soul's present condition:
Missing You ( Yeah, this idiot missing you STUPID! :-p )

My motto:
Life is like musical ( So fill it with your song, the one that make you smile and happy okay ^^ )

Since almost everyone do TVXQ, I just do FT Island then also one of my fav band (which can play instrument, good arent they?? )
Wow, Its actually hard eh.. Luckily all FT song can fit it so perfectly^^ Tagging my list!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

~All My Love, GEE~

Gotta listen to this, new song from ss501 from their new Japan album. Its really GOOD!!!

and just now I heard this, Gee R&B version by Younha! Wow? I love Younha's voice and thinking about Younha singing Gee SNSD ver making me, o_O' but hey, HER version is turn out GREAT for me!( I love Younha more then them, mayB I'm biased? hmm dunno ) The RnB plus some sort of reggae, its really nice ( Suddenly reminded me of Gerhana Ska Cinta ^^ ) I TOTALLY LOVE THIS VERSION!!

사랑해...♡ 믹키유천 ♡...

sakit pewot aaaa TT__TT
I know title of tis post lgsg xde kene mengena wit my condition..
waaa...sakit pewotttt..
and listening to "But I Love You" didnt help at all..
so depressingggg..
Just now, I baling my handphone..
asek mati je, amik kau..mati terus..b*nG**g nyer phone!
Waking up just to mandi..
after an hour I go to sleep back..
Only wake up around 4 PM..
and I slept again, around 5.30 something..
Wake up again around 7 pulak..
Minum 100 plus, feeling better a bit
Now..sakit pewot balikkkk...
but still, waiting for 10 PM, wanna see princess diaries..

I call, waiting to see your face one last time
But till the end there's no answer from you
Oh why are you avoiding me?
Please tell me...

ironic, isn't? So much like me...
nahhh..let it be tat way, Its much better now..
God, Its hurt lah..I mean my perot..am I kene keracunan makanan???


mood : depressing TT__TT
music : But I Love You - GDragon

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Jun-Chan~ GAMBATTEH!!!

oh sh*t, I'm browsing utube juz now and I found this vid..

Its happen again..now Jun-chan turn..
Get well soon oppa~
So proud of u, even u're sick but u didnt let ur fans down...
Proud to be ur fan! Oppa jjang!!!
I pray from my heart, my mind and my soul for u..
Get well soon oppa TT__TT


Saturday, May 2, 2009


Today...not much to do..

Currently collecting Family Outing episode! Ahaha, I love this show. Da family so cute and funny..Da dumb and dumber! Da stepmother and chundarella. OMIGOSH, save me! LOL!

Finally I found my hp charger, YAY!

Just now I watch da vid Skater ICE with B-Boy dance mirotic & 10outof10. Super COOL. and I juz notice that I miss MIROTIC so much! Oh, congrats oppa for 1place for da Share The World single!

To Miss Faizah Sani!!
May god bless you! Aldy 20 no so be mature kayh ehehe!
Eat a lot, take a good care of urself!
Dun sigh, keep laughing your heart want^^
Keep that shining smiling on ur face!
Mish you a lot dear! Hope to see u soon!

I'm sleepy rite now...TTFN

music : Akon feat Wilber Pan - Be With You ( GAHHHH, <3 this song )
mood : tired...sleepy..