About 나~


The name is NORZAIMAH TALIB. Preffered to call by Zai Zaimah Zaim or simply JoJo^^LOYAL Park Yoochun lover, Cassiopeia, B2uty, SHAWOL n Hottest...I love Kpop & Jpop..Been listening to both since 17 years old until now... I'm a die-hard fan of TVXQ , JYJ and managed to see them live on 17 OCT 2010 at KL. Accounting student from UUM and annoyingly still studying ..... Favourite colour? Black. I?my Family sooo much!!!

MY WISHLIST~~ Park Yoochun???
Watch JYJ's LIVE
Cartier Ring
Cinema: Watch Harry Potter MARATHON
New Laptop & broadband ^^
money? money? money?

new BB + silver eyeliner~~~
VIPs/ Backstage pass for every concert that I go

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

1,2,3 You and ME ~

Assalamualaikum sume!!!~~~

Hot la today, I wish ade hujan ka, panas la...
I usually wear short but my house got a LOT of mosquitoes!!
Haishhhhh, I'm being a good girl, wearing long pant right now.

Tonight is the FINAL of AKADEMI FANTASIA 7~~~
The candidates left for final are...

1. Akim
2. Aril ( He's back, thanks to AFMASUK )
3. Isma ( Da only 1 female in there!! )
4. Hafiz
5. Yazid

whose gonna win??? I dunno but my bet it must be MALE this time. 4 and 1,
WOW, where is male voters???
Kedakut lar korang, tgk almost all pelajar perempuan kene kick.
What shud I care? nway, gudluck for fanclub2 sume,
jgn bergadai tanah emas sudah, vote tu biar berpada2 sket ek..

I got really bad migrain since this morning, thanks to my lewat tido ( I'm reading Harry Potter 7 ) and bangun lewat this morning.
I didn't even wake up even Big Bang singing Lady or even Dong Bang oppa singing Kiss The Baby Sky also Suju singing Sorry Sorry to me.
I bet I memang TIDO MATI semalam. Now I got really bad migrain..haishhhh

I think and I feel my ENGLISH became poor and poorer from day to day lah.
There is no problem when I do conversation but when I want to write, like i do right now, I feel like something wrong. WARGHHHHH, what happen to me?
People improving while me, the otherwise.
Thinking of that make me really stressful and tired.

One more thing that make me stressful and tired is friend.
I am officially declaring that I HATE YOU .. not you, that that certain YOU.
I'm waiting for the day that you're left alone by whomever you're with right now.
I know when that day come, you will find me again.
Lemme ask..Am I just a spare part friend to you?
If yes thanks you very much because your mission of breaking my heart totally successful.
I love you but I hate you TT__TT


mood : TT__TT ( but still spazzing oever Solheim CF, oppaaaaa)
music : Super Junior - It's You


Lovely Reads said...

Salam. Long time no see eh. Where are you ah? Hafiz menang yay. Kitak tau, di kuching, when i drive selalu bump with cars yang ada sticker muka Hafiz,Wow dasyat,everyone's promoting him. Soelhim cf? CUUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
but wanna ask why yoochun bias ah?
kamek lately dont reli follow dongbang updates,kinda lost sometyms T_T

Park Hee Min said...

Salam..I always here..juz fall sick lately but i'm getting better..
YAY, He won!! I've been rooting for him oso, yelar, org kampung sndiri ahahaha.. wow, really. patutpun sdk ya mng..

Yoochun's bias? hmmm, I dunno but I'm not complaining. He's really cute in da cf neh??