About 나~


The name is NORZAIMAH TALIB. Preffered to call by Zai Zaimah Zaim or simply JoJo^^LOYAL Park Yoochun lover, Cassiopeia, B2uty, SHAWOL n Hottest...I love Kpop & Jpop..Been listening to both since 17 years old until now... I'm a die-hard fan of TVXQ , JYJ and managed to see them live on 17 OCT 2010 at KL. Accounting student from UUM and annoyingly still studying ..... Favourite colour? Black. I?my Family sooo much!!!

MY WISHLIST~~ Park Yoochun???
Watch JYJ's LIVE
Cartier Ring
Cinema: Watch Harry Potter MARATHON
New Laptop & broadband ^^
money? money? money?

new BB + silver eyeliner~~~
VIPs/ Backstage pass for every concert that I go

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

For You Palestine~

I feel like CRAP rite now!!!.. I'm so dead tired after berbasikal all day long. Damn, my leg hurt, my hand hurt even my *** oso damn hurt rite now. Yesterday I join a program. It called "Berbasikal Untuk Palestin" something like tat lah. The mission is to cycle from our UUM to Jitra, Kedah. Gile JAUH!!!. Starting line kat our pusat sukan and ended there oso. Imagine, nak keluar from pusat sukan ke pintu dpn UUM pun gile penat!! ( untuk keluar, kne ikut jalan dpn dewan kuliah 1 & 2, after that masuk jalan dewn kuliah 5, all that sumenyer naik bukit!!! ) Once we reach Changlun, we go from one kedai to another to wat kutipan. People at Changlun mmg NICE!!! I dunno how much yg kitorg dpt kutip at Changlun..biar jelah. After Changlun we rotate people and kayuh lagiiiiii. This time trus ke Jitra. Lemme tell ya, even we use LEBUHRAYA but jalan dier mmg best. After one bukit, we jumpa one bukit lagi...then bukit lagi. Siksa gile! I'm dead tired time tu. The one that keep me from falling and give up is because of Dong Bang Shin Ki and other Kpop song!! AHAHA, I'm not lying. They gimme strenght, sambil kayuh, I plugged my ear with earphone. This is my playlist...

1. TVXQ - Survivor
2. TVXQ - O
3. TVXQ - Rising Sun
4. TVXQ - Mirotic ( damn, I nearly fall becoz I imatate the dance )
5. TVXQ - HEY!
6. TVXQ - Balloon
7. TVXQ - Choosey Lover
8. TVXQ - Sky
9. TVXQ - Are You A Good Girl?
10. TVXQ - Crazy Love
11. TaeGoon - Call Me
12. After School - Ah
13. Kara - Pretty Girl
14. FT Island - Man First Love Follow Him To Grave
15. SS501 - U R Man
16. SHINee - The SHINee World
17. SHINee - Love Should Go On
18. SHINee - AMIGO
19. DaeSung - Look At Me GwiSoon ( I'm laughing a lot when this song played )
20. SNSD - Gee ( imitate the dance, nearly fall, my fren said WOI!!! ahaha )
21. 2PM - 10 Out of 10
22. Fahrenheit - Superb ( I love this song..its Cpop btw ehehe)

notice my playlist, banyak lagi dongbang kan ahaha..and all the song is fast track song.. if slow track mmg me akan kayuh slow punye. BUT One of the voice from DongBang song gimme strenght ahaha. Okay okay, after all kayuh2 we reach Jitra, start our kutipan ( Jitra people are not that nice, not many but some of them so meanie.. grr ) We makan, solat zohor then pukul 3 we kayuh balik UUM. After solat Asar, I tido in bus for I dunno how long but I take over balik kat Changlun ahahaha. Time tu dah nak malam dah. Gelap weh, a bit scary coz I cycle alone...I'm in the middle. We sampai at finish line around 8 PM!!! AKHIRNYA!!! WE FINISH!! YAY!! Even penat but I'm happy finally we finish our mission. Being the first of UUM student yg masuk this type of program, I'm happy!! TQ n saranghae to all my fren..my teammate!! You guys are yeappo and meotjyeo!!!! To all ge ge and jie jie yang wat program ni, abg polis yang banyak tolong, pakcik bas yang baik, Smart Team yang bagi minyak kat me ehehe, oso kepada abg yang escort naik moto yang memekak je tu, THANKS A LOT!!! We hope from what we do yesterday, at least we can show tat we care for palestine and love them!!!


around 30 minit later, we walk back to college. Then I pengsan! Pagi ni I woke up lambat and tak pegi kelas. And my body sakit. And I'm hungry. Gimme food????

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